Wednesday, January 10, 2007

City Average Miles and Highest overall Miles added has updated the Challengeagent site to include the ranking for average miles per city (based on cities that have at least 2 runners and includes runners with 0 mileage) also the ranking for most miles per individual is listed too.

We are getting close to 10 days into the challenge and the competition is heating up, there is a battle between the first 3 spots and a good competition for the 10th place spot. I did reopen the competition to new competitors since is providing the automatic total updates.

Everyone is starting 2007 off great and puting in the mileage for their cities! We haven't even finished the 10th day and the total mileage is over 7100 Miles.

Run hard for your city!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this is possible, but is there any way we can get runners added for our city? Not adding a city, but just to add runners to our city. I read the post on the nike + website, but I was not sure if that was the latest or not. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Mrs. Rhodes